Friday, July 10, 2009


Haha... Now all i ever talk about is life and all those philosiphical stuff.

I'm so busy its almost up to my neck.. Sometimes i just can't take it anymore.
Then i remember that i still have something to live for...

Cheesy Wedges. Yum.

XD Facebook is getting to be awesome but the only reason is because i can bug Hui Hwa and Ms Pearl there. What fun conversations we have through chatting about facebook comments and such. =]
Those good and nice days.

On another note. I dont go on Facebook for the games and pictures... just for the sake of connecting with friends through there. Thats all.

Argh. I'm getting so lazy until i dont even update my blog , scrapblog or even my shows and dramas anymore.
And i'm still thinking of joining Deviantart. But who knows when i'll be able to upload my photos there LOL.

Do you really think of me ?
But you promised..

I'm waiting for my prince on his white horse.

Till then do we meet ~