Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Time Spent.

I have just came back from Port Dickson !!
Yayy. I think CLR 2009 has been great and has really been a blessing to me.
Hmm. They really should have this more often.
I just love the feeling to be able to bask in His presence.
Just enjoy the feeling.. XD

I feel refreshed.
I think it has done me worlds good.
And i'm ready for the heavy workload now.
And i 'm ready to be a changed person from now on.

But the thing that has been bugging me ALOT is YE.
Geez. A lot of stress and responsibility comes with the title.
I seriously need HELP.

Marion. We need to talk. Urgently.

Yes, yes. The pictures will come soon enough.

But not now.
Another good news.

I FINALLY got my very very own RUBICs Cube. Or would you rather call it the cube of rubics.
Ahah. Plus i've watched Night at the museum 2 ...

Only a weeks of hols left.