Friday, December 19, 2008

Kia Ora ~

Hello everybody !! I am finally updating my blog due to laziness since coming back from New Zealand ( NZ ). Yeah. I'm, back, people !! ( for those blur cases who haven't noticed me coming back yet or anything of that sort ) Cause i have been away for who-knows-how-long without telling everyone where was i = they all seem to think that i disappeared from the face of earth or some sort like that .... depends how far can your imagination take you =)
Don't worry guys !! I'm still here and will be always here to haunt you .. !!

Anyways, i decided to not talk about the trip other than
  1. It was Very Very Freezing Cold. And yet i ate ice-cream there ... =)
  2. The scenery was Very amazing... LOADS of mountains and more mountains.
  3. Riding horses for an hour and a half without rest is VERY bad for your ass.
  4. I unfortunately was not able to ski or ice-skate there.
  5. However, if you think about the COLD out there when you are in the hotel ..... you wouldn't want to do it either.
to protect the privacy and confidentiality of my family. ( Sorry.. no photos either !! )

I know what you are thinking ... if you wanted privacy and all those why did you start a blog ??

Good point... See, the thing is.. I am much more comfortable talking about myself in the internet than talking about my family. =)

Did that answer your question ?? ( that is, if you are thinking of one .. )

Oh and btw, just a reminder for those people who are coming for tonight's LIITA Cell Christmas Party !!

> Please remember to bring a wrapped-up present for the gift exchange !!
> Remember to wear red and white !!
> Come around 7.30pm and you can go back around 10.30pm.

Thats about it !! XD Hope you guys will enjoy the party !!!