Sunday, March 29, 2009
Well, excuse me.
For the first thing i wanna say, I have just finished Persona 4 !! XD
Which is after playing it for the whole hols.. lol..
Though it didn't feel as good cuz after that i read that i missed out a couple of things towards the ending.. TT
But anyways. I still finished it. Yayy !
I just wanted to say thank you to my parents and all my fans out there ...
Ahhem. Back to reality. i am in a dilemma right now. Chuck.
Sounds like i'm talking about a guy. Yes, i'm kinda crazy over him. Nerd or not, he's HOT. And Cute. And Funny.
Haha. so i have a choice of whether i wanna watch it with Wei Khai's dvd or wait until the season 2 comes to TV.
I am the pioneer of the Chuck Fan Club and so if i choose not to watch it now with the dvd i will have to lend it to Nat and Dan and probably Zi Yi.
And then they will watch it faster than me and i won't know what they are talking about. TT
So how ?
I know once i start watching .. i won't be able to stop. Ahh.. How like this ?
I just have to start thinking what are my priorities. Maybe i should watch it next week. Hmm.
That is if we don't get any projects that will be killing us from behind.
Talking about projects, i cross my fingers and hope that they won't be giving many projects this year cause close to orals, i HATE projects as well.
That just sad man. Haiz. better not talk about this kinda thing. Later i jinx it.
Well, on the bright side. It seems like YE has earn some revenues. Good news for YE members and all shareholders. LOL.
But i am a litle upset about some things that happened as well. I may as well address it later on tmr during the meeting. XD
Don't worry those who have done your part and extra .. I am very proud of you as your assist MD as well as your friend !!
Haha. I sound old.... or maybe i am..
TT I should probably grow up anyways. Better not still remisnisce the past ... It'll just be sad and depressing of all the fun times we had =(
Am i really that scary ? I think i seem so. It that good or bad ? Who knows ?
But i definetely can't change overnight and be someone whose pretty and lemah - lembut.
Oh well....
What can i say ? Hopefully there's something about me that can show people the love of God.
BTW. There's something exciting coming our way this 10th and 11th APRIL ~~ Keep an eye out for it. XD
Friday, March 27, 2009
All in a week's work.
Cause who said i was good at hiding what i'm feeling yeah ?
So.. I'll start with a few weeks back. I actually went for a Sushi Making Class at my brother's university ! =]
It was on the 14th March .. Haha.. cause i totally forgot about uploading stuff about it.. i actually took some pictures of my handiwork !!
And i was supposed to pass the group photo to another girl... TT Sorry !!
Anyways. I had such a blast there !! I now can make sushi ! I feel so good about myself. LOL. Perasan betul !! XD
I should go work at sushi king during school hols and earn some MONEY baby.
Here are the long awaited photos.
So i will continue on about THIS WEEK.
Firstly, i had my 2nd English Oral.
With whom ? Miss Gravy. Who else ?
Well, to her credit, she was quite nice about the whole thing and wanted to give us high marks if we deserved it. =]
I fumbled a little but thankfully, Lizzie saved my ass. Lol. Thanks, girl.
Well, we did out best so i think thats enough. =]
Well, to be honest. The YE stuff took up most of my brain space so i didnt really plan what i was supposed to say. My fault. Yeah.
I DID practice at least 4 times with Lizzie but i kept forgetting anyways. LOL. ask marion. Haha..
Talking about YE. Gosh. I am soo totally exhausted i think i can sleep for decades !
There were like dark rims around my eyes for like the whole week. TT
I had to make sure this make sure that.... and i know that Julia was really stressed too as she had to make sure how much this how much that.
Well. I wont go on about it. Gives me more stress. Lol.
But i think we did out best for today ! ( Sports day baby ! )
Here are the photos ~ stole them from Chanette's blog. XD
Early in the morning...
Us la - la people setting up the stall.
The unfortunate incident. Or not.
YE group picture !! =]
Cam - whores ~~
I think though, next time. Planning has to be WAY before the real day. Or not everyone will go haywire. For serious fact.
Everyone agrees. But though. Everyone. RELAX for the weekend. Go for a spa or something. Or go grab that much wanted STARBUCKS coffee you have been eyeing for some time.
Gosh. Time for CG.
Gtg. Bye.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Beatrice .. aka Beat Rice or my personal favorite - Sunglasses gal.
2) Your relationship with him/her is:
Good friends and buddies.
3) Your first impression of him/her is:
She's funny. Lol. Cuz she comes packaged with Charis ... haha..
4) The most memorable moments with her:
Err... having her in our science tuition ??
5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:
Err... I dunno worr.. sorry !! Cant remember, she said a LOT of things.. haha..
6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will:
She's straight , i'm straight.. it'll never happen. Period.
7) If he/she became yr lover, what should he/she improve at:
Haha.. She's fine the way she is. But not lovers... Swt...
8) If he/she becomes yr enemy, what would you do:
Call her sunglasses GAL !! or maybe if i'm evil enough... beat rice... LOL. But hopefully we'll never be enemies laa.
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be:
Errr.. that i keep calling her sunglasses gal ??
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
Hug her. and tell her what a good friend she is !! XD
11) Your overall impression on him/her:
Funny girl and Jesus / Hillsong - loving fanatic like meeeee !!
12) The characteristic you love most about yourself:
Err.. That i am Esther. =]
13) The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
That i am sometimes too lazy.
14) The most ideal person you want too be is:
MIss Universe ???!! hahha.... i think i'm great the way i am already. XD
15) For people that care and like you, say something to them:
Haha... Thanks ?
16) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who you want to know how they feel about you.
1) Elizabeth
2) JJ
3) Li Ying
4) Mei Fong
5) Soungie
6) Su Yinn
7) Syn Yi
8) Ven Hui
9) Xiao Ning
10) Zi Yi
17) Who is 6 having a relationship with:
Haha.. How would i know ? Ask her yourself. Lol.
18) Is 9 a male or female:
Female ..
19) If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
Well.. Maybe ? Haha... I would support it though.. LOL.
20) What is 2 studying at the moment:
Military stuff or politics.
21) When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
Haha.. Err.. Two days ago, i think. Through sms.
22) What kind of music does 8 like:
Japanese songs. XD
23) Does 1 have any siblings:
Yeah. A little brother. Called Nicky.
24) Will you woo 3:
Haha. A lot of people KAU her already... dont need me .. XD
25) How about 7:
Haha.. Maybe she got BF already ? Who knows ? I'm straight. Rmb ?
26) Is 4 single:
LOL. Last time i checked.
27) What's the surname of 5:
I keep calling her soungiee till i forgot ! Oops ~~ Sorry !
28) What's the hobby of 5:
Stalking people ? Haha... talking random stuff.
29) Do 5 and 9 get along well:
They don't know each other. Oh wait. Maybe they do.. since its a small world after all .
30) Where is 2 studying at:
31) Say something casual about your eyes:
Weird thing. I saw them this afternoon and i think they are PRETTY. Hehe.
32) Have you tried developing feelings for 5:
NOOO.. she's my goooood friend !
33) Where does 9 live?:
Near my church.
34) What colours does 4 like:
Err.. Sorry. Don't know this one. But if i could guess.. maybe blue and white ??
35) Are 5 and 1 good friends:
Don't think they know each other. ... Like i said, Or maybe they do.
36) Does 7 like 2:
37) How did u get to know 2:
Used to be classmates.
38) Does 1 have any pets:
Don't think so. Not very sure.
39) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
Funny how i always get tagged at the right moment. Lol. XD.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I am not going to be down in the dumps anymore cause Jesus has brought me up to my feet again !!
I am truly strengthen by God's powerful message that he had for me yesterday..
As i was reading the 2342 bookie yesterday .. i came across..
=] The joy of the Lord is my strength ! I have been missing that all along.
If i am happy in the Lord, He will provide strength for me to face life's challenges.
Equation 101. That's why i have been feeling oh-so-depressed lately = no strength for me to face any hardships along the way = more depression.
Bingo. Thank goodness that i finally found out whats wrong.
Or not i will continue to be in the dumps like deep down.
Am happy for the moment. ~
But unfortunately today was a bad day again. TT
Got angry... i really should control my anger and hot headed-ness.
Need ice..
Anyone ??
Haha... i am practically blabbling here. Maybe thats what blogs are for anyways.
I am such a jealous person.
You make me feel so happy .. then you back stab me.
Is that how you really feel ?
I am not falling for the same trick in the book anymore.
I'm fed up and done with.
I'm never falling in love again.
Or was i ever in love ?
Hmph. How i love my own wishful thinking.
Better off if i just dump my feelings aside and forget about the whole matter.
We are students for that very reason. To study.
Or maybe its just me.
I don't need anyone.
Except God.
Maybe i just need a break from all this.
Or maybe i'm not talking about who you think i'm talking about.
Oh .. how i love riddles.
Till then.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mom said maybe i could just do veggies without the meats.
But i dont think i could the meats so i just did without either. Lol.
I am an extreme person.
Well, as for results. Again. Yeah. i did badly for eng.
I treat it as an insult to myself when i cant even do well in eng aka my first language.
When others can do so well, why cant you, Esther ?
Yet you still fail to push yourself to your limits.
When i tell myself that i did my best. I end up with bad results.
Plus i kena deducted marks for add math. THATS sad.
People who are successful stay successful while people who are not successful stay UN succesful. Thats life. Isnt it ?
On a high side.
And i'm starving.
See you on the other side.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Another one. XD
If you're Asian you GOTTA take this quiz
If you're not, take it anyway and see if there's an inner ASIAN in you =p
So, how 'asian' are you?????
[x] Both of your parents are from Asia
[x] You were born in Asia
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[ ] You think DDR is cool ( what is that ? )
[x] You've watched lots of anime ( Yeah... man )
[ ] You like Korean dramas ( All the way Jap Dramas, man ! )
[x] You have stuff hanging on your phone ( WILL definitely have !! )
[x] Your parents want you to marry within your own race ( Uhh.. i guess ? )
[x] You eat rice almost everyday
[x] You drink lemon tea ( Yayy !! Lemon Tea ~ )
X's so far: 7
[x] You style your hair ( Sometimes ? )
[x] You have a bebo/myspace/friendster ( i dont even check it often... )
[x] You speak languages other than English ( Yeah. Malay )
[x] Your parents are strict compared to other REALLY asian parents ( my parents VERY strict about some stuff )
[ ] Your parents have high expectations of you ( I have high expectations of me self )
[x] You always get A's/B's on your report ( Err. )
[x] You do/did Chemistry/Biology/Physics/ Accounting. ( pure science mah. )
[x] You play badminton or table tennis ( Yeah, both. )
[ ] You've seen the asian version The ring/The grudge ( nope. scary movies are freaky. )
X's so far: 15
[x] You go/want to go to a university and would NEVER consider an apprenticeship ( I want a sijil okay.. )
[x] You own an asian car (Honda, Toyota, etc)
[x] You're not the only child
[x] You've gotten little red envelopes around February ( Duh )
[x] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwon do ( kinda )
[ ] (If you're a girl)You prefer white guys over asian guys (If you're a guy)You prefer asian girls ( dunno ??? )
[x] Your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[ ] You can do the rubiks cube
[x] You have a box of noodles somewhere in your house
[x] You play video games
X's so far: 22
[x] Everytime you're going out your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home
[ ] You have karaoke at home
[x] You know BOA/Gazette/Ayumi Hamasaki/Gackt ( Boa and Ayumi. )
[ ] You've been to a LAN more than 3 times
[x] You have incense sticks/moth balls in your house ( moth balls lar. )
[x] You own a gaming console
[x] You play a musical instrument ( does played count ? )
[x] You don't wear shoes in your house
[x] You can use chopsticks
[ ] You get nothing if you do well in school
X's so far: 29
[ ] Your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day ( depends where ..)
[x] You have asian songs on your computer/iPod
[x] You don't like football ( sheesh . not really hate it. but dont like it. )
[x] You have a curfew ( yeapp. )
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[ ] You know what purikura is
[x] You like bubble tea ( its quite nice. =])
[x] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come ( yeah, man. So uncomfortable )
[x] You've played final fantasy ( weeeeehhoo. FF roxx. )
[ ] You believe in fortune cookies
X's so far: 35
[ ] You know what bok choy is
[ ] You've heard the song "Got rice?"
[x] You have a tutor ( as in tuition ? yeah.. )
[ ] You've had pockys/yan yan before
[x] When you seek for your mother's permission she replies "Ask your dad" ( yeah. and dad goes ask your mom.. )
X's so far: 37
Total X's: 37
Your total x 2
Result: 74 %
Weehoo. 74 % asian baby ~~ XD ASIAN ALL THE WAY .
Kena Tagged Sekali Lagi ~
Actually kena tagged in facebook but i DONT go on facebook so yeah.. thought i'll just do the tag in my blog..
Like Ven Hui ...I don't think i can dapat to reach 25 random facts about me self but i'll try.
Hopefully i can squeeze randomness outta me.. XD
Random Fact # 1 - My favorite color is brown.
Random Fact # 2 - I love Taylor Swift and Rainie Yang's songs.
Random Fact # 3 - If you haven't known, i like Nicholas Teo too !! He's a malaysian btw. Cool right ??
Random Fact # 4 - I do not go on facebook and friendster anymore. In fact, i ditched it a long time ago.
Random Fact # 5 - I love plurk.
Random Fact # 6 - I love Takizawa Hideaki in dramas. His songs are OK. But not crazy over his songs..
Random Fact # 7 - I love Oguri Shun like in Hana Yori Dango !! His character as Hanazawa Rui is just... amazing. GO WATCH IT !
Random Fact # 8 - I like Jun Matsumoto everywhere else except in HYD. Sorry girls. hahaa...i just dont have a thing for guys with curly hair.. =]
Random Fact # 9 - I Tunes sucks. It works ever SO SLOWLY. Sheesh.
Random Fact # 10 - I think MAC computers sound cool even though my bro said its hard to figure how to work it out.
Random Fact # 11 - I am thinking why am i doing this tag when i'm supposed to update my blog with school stuff. ?
Random Fact # 12 - I am v sat bai leh..
Random Fact # 13 - I wanna have a CF in my school !!! Am praying for it to come true since lots of people tried already but Panda still is resisting changes... ( inertia )
Random Fact # 14 - I just accidentally misspelt inertia.... what the..
Random Fact # 15 - i don't think i can do this thing anymore.. haha.. outta ideas.. XD
Random Fact # 16 - Following VH and whoever who thought of this idea. Am gonna be 16 this year.
Random Fact # 17 - Yayy... am reaching 25 super random facts liao !!
Random Fact # 18 - One of my favorite animes of all time is Ouran High School. =]
Random Fact # 19 - My latest drama i have watched is MIss No Good starring Rainie Yang and Wil Pan.
Random Fact # 20 - I am embarking on a new drama this hols !! i hope.....
Random Fact # 21 - I am actually crapping random stuff about me self through this tag.
Random Fact # 22 - I like japanese dramas and taiwanese dramas !! Korean dramas are a little too laggy for me..
Random Fact # 23 - My favorite taiwanese drama is Smiling Pasta !! Again. GO WATCH IT !
Random Fact # 24 - Haha.. just realized that i have been talking about dramas and anime this whole tag thingy !!
Random Fact # 25 - The manga Absolute Boyfriend ( Zettai Karashi ) is WAYYYY better than the drama ~ V disappointing.
Well, thats about it !! =] Tag whoever who reads through this until here !! XD
Me and me and me and me . Maybe you.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Tell me why do you run ?
Celebration Service.
Please forgive me Lord, i should have put You first in everything that i do.
I know i am special in Your eyes.
I know i am unique in every way.
I know that you love me unconditionally.
But why am i so uncertain ? I should put more faith in You Lord. I should have trusted You more.
Maybe its just the work of the devil trying to weigh me down with his lies. The worst thing is .. he actually succeeded the last time,
But NOT anymore. I have restored the JOY in the Lord !!!! =]
I should just not think too much about stuff, in general. I prefer when last time all i thought was... dreams and fantasies. ( LOL. )
Not life's a zillion times more complicated. Like i said, life in Form 3 was all about PMR and PMR and PMR.
What they never taught us was how to deal with things besides studies and other things in life.
i actually for one moment taught ..
Heyy, thats NOT fair !!
It was supposed to be me over THERE !!
I wanted this so badly.
I wanted this more than anything !!
Probably the 10 things i would wish for in life is to be SMART. I wish i was born a super genius that didn't need to study. If only i could read a text book and memorize it the first time i read it through. Then i could ditch the book forever cause i had memorized everything in there.
if only i could fly away from everything when i wanted to. Away from problems. Away from misery and sadness.
Oh no. Was i being emo again ? Now i am thinking maybe this is not emoness, I'm just being a little more mature in my thinking. I just love Rainie's songs. They really depict what i feel like.. what i am going through. This is the english translation.
Dai wo zou ( take me away )
I have always walked alone
A Crossroad, living by myself
But this time you said you will take me away, to some corner, just you and me
Like the mystery of the soil grasping the flower tightly
Like the turbulence of the sky tangling with the rain
Behind you, counting steps, every rearview, every scene
I had dreams of them
Take me away, to the far future
Take away my recurring loneliness
Take me away even if my love, your freedom will become bubbles
I’m not afraid, Take me away.
Every time I will go far away by myself
Keeping my silence, not creasing my forehead
But this time you said let’s go together
Being gentle with each other from now on.
Like the mystery of the soil grasping the flower tightly
Like the turbulence of the sky tangling with the rain
Behind you, counting steps, every rearview, every scene
I had dreams of them
Behind you, counting steps, every rearview, every scene
I had dreams of them
Take me away, to the far future
Take away my recurring loneliness
Take me away even if my love, your freedom will become bubbles
I’m not afraid, Take me away.
White Horse glides through, an encompassing darkness, the tide invading, wave surging
solidify on the coast (into something black)
Wild rose pointing toward the prairie, the mailman bringing rainbows
Carved into my heart, pulsing
Take me away, to the far future
Take away my recurring loneliness
Take me away even if my love, your freedom will become bubbles
I’m not afraid, Take me away.
Take me away even if my love, your freedom will become bubbles
I’m not afraid, Take me away.
If only God would come now and take me away with Him
To eternal Happiness and Joy in Heaven.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Emo No More ?
Why ? Because didn't study = don't care about it. So it won't make much a difference.
But i Do care. It means the world to me. Thats just me. And half the entire population of Form 4 and every other forms. If they said that Smk Bu 3 is not a competitive school, i would have to disagree. I believe every school is competitive even though people think they're not. Seriously. Who does not care what they get for exams if they actually studied ? How true right ? I know how it feels like to get sucky marks. I have been there OK. Haiz.
But what can we do ? Only buck up and study harder, i guess. We can't change the past but we can change the future. =] Wow. How inspiring. Haha..
Cross my fingers and pray really hard that my other subjects won't suck just as much. The sad thing is that i was actually quite confident for add math and i got like So-So marks only... what will happen to my subjects which i'm not so confident in ?? Argh... Say bye bye to the rest.
Hopefully i will know how to conceal my feelings and emotions inside when the time comes. But i don't think i am strong enough. What to do ?
Sejarah was Good. Thank goodness. But well, everyone did as well. So it didn't make "revenge" sweet or whatever you want to call it. Nat Wongy and Lizzie are all like Super Geniuses la. Even though they said its luck or whatever excuses. Even Marion got wonderful marks and grades. I feel... stupid actually. And when i thought that i was OK. and above average kinda student. Maybe i am, just not an excellent student, no ?
Haiz, i miss blogging, truth to be told. But geniuses don't have BLOGS. They just study. Even if they do have blogs, they rarely update them. Haha. Hit the nail on its head ? Yeah. How true ? See Wongy, Nat, Al, Li Ying, Ning and Lizzie. Some have blogs - rarely update. Some don't have blogs cause probably huge waste of time when they could actually do something useful to reach their matlamat hidup or something siviky...
And with that said, how many people actually read the moral text book ? Yeah. Geniuses do read moral textbooks. Like Li Ying. Haiz..
I'm starting to feel depressed again... NOOO>> Must fight off the attack by the microorganisms ~~ =[
Where is my knight in shining armor with his white horse coming to save me ?
Me. Being me again.
Tagg... finally !
Last beverage → Err. Strawberry Yogurt Drink.
Last phone call → Can't really remember.. i think it was Julia.
Last text message → From or to ? John sent me last and i sent Ven Hui last i think.
Last song you listened to → Dai Wo Zou - Rainie Yang
Last time you cried→ Its probably very recently..
Dated someone twice → No.. have never dated, for that matter.
Been cheated on → If you never dated, how can you be cheated on ? But sometimes i do feel that way...
Kissed someone & regretted it → Haha.. i wish.
Lost someone special→ Yeah. Kinda.
Fallen out of love → Yeah. Totally.
Laughed until you cried → Hmm. Most probably.
Met someone who changed your life → Kind of.
Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah.
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → Agreed. Don't know what they mean.
Do you have any pets → Before.
Do you want to change your name → Yeah. Sometimes.
What time did you wake up today → 6.45 am. Around there.
What were you doing at midnight last night → Duh. Sleeping. Just don't get the wrong idea.
Name something you cannot wait for → Err. SPM to be over and done with.
The last time you saw your father→ Last night. Is this really necessary ?
What's one thing you wish you could change→ My hair. Wished that it wasn't so unruly. And yucks.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Nope. Don't think so.
What's getting on your nerves right now → Before this was add math. Not so sure about now.
What's your name → You should know if you're reading this. =] Estee.
Elementary/Primary School→ Sk Taman Megah.
Middle/Secondary School → Smk Bu3
High School → Smk Bu3
Hair color → Black. But i want it red.
Long or short → Depends. Probably shorter than what you think of long.
Are you a health freak → No. Nat is.
or lefty → Righty all the way.
First surgery → Err.. Not yet gua. Unless you count when you're born.
First piercing → Form 1 / 2. Ear piercing.
First best friend → Never had one.
First sport you joined → Badminton and always been badminton.
First pet → I think it was a hamster.. or was it a fish ?
First vacation → Can't really remember...
Eating → Nothing.
Drinking → Water ?
Waiting → For nothing.
Want kids? → Maybe.
Want to get married?→ If i can find the right man.
Careers in mind? → Lawyer, Interior Designer. Maybe a microbiologist. Or something related to chem.
Kissed a stranger → Don't think so. Maybe in my dreams ?
Drank Wine/Beer/alcohol → If Shandy is counted.
Lost glasses/contacts → No, but my glasses broke countless times.
Ran away from home → I can't even drive, for goodness sake.
Broken someone's heart → Maybe ? or maybe not. How to know ?
Been arrested → I can't drive. Period. What else can you be arrested for ?
Cried when someone died → Yeah.
Yourself → Not really. But sometimes i exceed my expectations.
Miracles → I do. i know they exist.
Love at first sight → Yes. I do.
Heaven → Yeah. With its streets of Gold and wonderful "heavenly" stuff. =]
Kiss on the first date→ Err. Don't understand but probably doesn't apply here.
Angels → Yeah =]. They're cool.
Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Maybe. XD
more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Nope. Never. That will equal to cheating.
Do you believe in God? → YES. Always have and always will be.
> Khai
> Zi yi
> Ning
> Li ying
> Ven Hui
> Mei Fong
> Urgh.
Whoever who is free to do this ~ =]
Cheers to me for being me.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I am free.
From Emo-ness.
From the burden.
From the exams.
But somehow it doesn't feel like i have accomplished something great, even though its great. Maybe cause the feeling of getting back bad results is so great that even though you finished the exams overruns it.
Anyways, i think i'm feeling better now.
No more Emo Bug around me anymore.. probably until i start thinking more than i'm supposed to.
No more thinking too much.
Watch more anime/ jap drama/ taiwanese drama.
Blog more.
Enjoy life MORE ~
Yayy. i think the first time i've jumped in years was today at the staircase with Marion and Leigh Ann. Felt great. Especially to ponteng for like 15 minutes of studying crap. And when i lepaked near the balcony overlooking the field.. Felt great. Like free.
But we can really never be free... No ?
Forever trapped somewhere , sometime.
ME. Forgive the emo ness at the end.